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The Official Author Site

Poetry: Welcome



“Attention”, RETIREMENT:  Lifespan Anthology Series, Pure Slush, April 2024.

“Sonnet for a Tree”, Harmonic Verse, Local Gems Press, December, 2023.

“Tri-Hull”, NOVA Bards 2023: An Anthology of Northern Virginia Poetry, Local Gems Press, October, 2023.

“Lord Decay”, “The Lapping”, and “Darkness Within”, The Horror Zine, September 2023.

“Sarnath Center”, and “blended kaleidoscopic rotation” - Lovecraftiana: Lammas Eve, 2023.

“The Fence” - HOME: Lifespan Anthology Series, Pure Slush, May 2023.

“Migraine”, “Fading Light”, “Wing Beats” - Illumen, April 2023.

“Two Ravens”, “First Blackberry Pie”, “Vows”, “Marriage” - Twenty-Two Twenty-Eight, January 2023.

 (Subscription Needed to View)

Poetry: Latest Work


Dates TBD

“Catacombs” - Dissections: The Journal of Contemporary Horror, March 2024. 

Two Scifakus - Scifakuest, May 2025.

“Condemned”, “One Hundred Percent Chance of Rain”, and “Rain Falls” - When it Rains it Pours Anthology, Kind of a Hurricane Press, TBD.

Poetry: TBD Poetry




“Shower Invasion” - parABnormal Magazine, September 2022.

(untitled Mononuk) - Poetry Pea Journal 2:22 (September 2022) and Poetry Pea Podcast on June 20th. (at about the 18:50 mark) 

"Enjoying a Moment" - Marriage: Lifespan Series, Vol. 6, Pure Slush, August 2022.

"Galactic Service" - Polu Texni, August 2022.

“Remember the Basin” - Eye to the Telescope 45, Veterans of Alien Wars, July 2022.

“Gathering” - Song of Eretz Poetry Review, Summer, June 2022.

“Sunita Soars” - Dwarf Stars 2022, Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association, 2022. (Originally published in Utopia science Fiction 2:4)

“My Stars” - The Poet Magazine, Featured Poem, June 25, 2022.

“Night Practice”, “From Work to Metro”, “World Turtle” - Tigershark, Issue 31, June 2022.

“CNA” - Work: Lifespan Series, Pure Slush, May  2022.

“Devotion”, “To the Sky”, “Washed Away” - The Horror Zine, Summer, April 2022.

“The Tragedy of Photons” and “Digital Screen” - Light - Paddler Press, Vol. 4, April 2022.

“Hold the Line” - Poetry for Ukraine, The Poet Magazine, April 2022. Featured poem on The Poet Magazine website, March 29, 2022.

“Eating Breakfast Pizza with an Allergy” - Star*Line, Vol. 45.2, Spring 2022. Editor’s Choice Poem:

“Memories and Anxieties” (originally published in The Poet Magazine Advisity Issue, Dec. 8, 2021) was the featured poem on Poetry for Mental Health webpage, March 5, 2022.

“Neon Spiderweb” - Red Ogre Review, Issue 4, January 2022.


“Oliver Displaced” - Ekphrastic Writing Response: Gustave Caillebotte, The Ekphrastic Review, December 2021.

“These Boots” - Mason Street Blog, November 2021.

“Lady in White” - Ekphrastic Writing Response: The WitchesDance, The Ekphrastic Writing Review, November 2021.

"Amongst the Dunes", "Had to Get Out", "Hair Trigger", "Red"' and "Zombie" - Amicus, a, um, Danse Macabre: DM 138, October 2021.

"When Grandma Visits" - Love: Vol. 4, Pure Slush, October 2021.

“The Cellist”, “Dream Warrior”, “Memories and Anxieties” - Adversity Issue, The Poet Magazine, Autumn 2021. Featured Poet for the Adversity FaceBook page, December 8, 2021.

“Shepherd” - Line of Advance, September 2021.

“The Iris Trap” - 25 Miles From Here, Pure Slush, Vol. 21, September 2021.

"Capsule" - Silver Blade Magazine, Summer 2021.

"Cottage in the Woods", "Crimson-Butterfly Day", "Downward Spiral," and "Thundering Giant" - March Selected Poet - The Horror Zine, March 2021.

"Time Cop" - Spaceports & Spidersilk, February 2021.

"Losing Balance" and "Self-Repression" - The Light Ekphrastic, February 2021.

"Alkonost Cube", "Cosmic Selkie", and "Sunita Soars" - Utopia Science Fiction, February 2021.


"Sledding Hill", "The Ambush", and "The Things She Carried" - The Poet Magazine - CHILDHOOD - Winter 2020.

Untitled Haiku - World Haiku Review, Autumn 2020.

"Alien Hunger" - Glow, Truth Serum, Vol.6, Truth Serum Press, Fall 2020.

""Mrs. M." - Wrong Way Go Back Vol. 19, Pure Slush, Fall 2020.

"Optical Limitation" - Illumen, Spring 2020.


"Proposal" and "Witchecution" - Silver Blade Issue 44, December 2019.

"Reservist Lament" - The Brave, Clare Songbird Publications, November 2019.

"The River Swallowed Her" and "First Response" -  The Stray Branch, Fall/Winter 2019 issue.

"Night Terrors" - Dreamscapes Anthology, Cherry House Press, July 2019.

"To Be Tough" - Pride, 7 Deadly Sins, Volume 7, Pure Slush, May 2019.

"Patch" - As You Were: The Military Review, Military Experience and the Arts, Spring/Summer, 2019.

Untitled Twitter Poem- #BackOnTrackNow: A Write by the Rails Anthology and Social Media Initiative, March 2019.

"Crepitation", "Hesitation", and "Standing on a Bridge" - The Horror Zine, February, 2019.

"On the Platform" - Envy: The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 6, Pure Slush, February, 2019.

"The Player" - Wrath - Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 5Pure Slush, January, 2019.


"I Sloth" - Sloth: The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 4, Pure Slush, November 2018.

"Morning Ritual in the Snow Belt" - Tigershark E-Zine, Issue 20, October 2018.

"Staring at Me" - Greed: Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 3, Pure Slush, August 2018.

"To Cap" - O-Dark-Thirty: A Literary Journal, Volume 6, Number 3, Spring 2018. 

"Modern-Day Selkie," "Pixies of Hartford," and "The Fairy Shell" - Pilcrow & Dagger, February/March 2018 issue.

"Kneeling at the Gravestone" - Memento Mori Poems, Red Wolf Journal, Issue 12, Fall/Winter 2017/2018.

"Involuntary Shucking" - Pilcrow & Dagger, January 2018 issue.


"Squeeze," "Amontillado Jr.," and "White" -  The Horror Zine, May 2017.

"The Box" - The Ekphrastic Review, January 21, 2017.


"The Woman I Love" - Love & Ensuing Madness, Rat's Ass Review, December 2016.

"Under My Breathe" - Pen In Hand, January 2016.


"Faded Glory" - Aspiring Writers 2013 Winners Anthology Short Stories and Poems, Blue Dragon Press, July 2, 2014.


"Guerrilla Tactics" - Heroes: 100 Poems from the New Generation of War Poets, Ed. John Jeffcock, Ebury Publishing, November 1, 2011.


"Weekend Goodbye", "The Touch of Skin", "My Heart". and "Infinite Possibility" -, 2001.


"By Candle Light" - Ideology Press, 2000.

Poetry: Published Poetry Archive


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